The Forgotten Tales: Uncommon Stories of England’s Monarchs

  • Queen Anne’s Unknown Legacy: A Look Beyond Politics

    Queen Anne’s Unknown Legacy: A Look Beyond Politics

    Welcome back to our series, “The Forgotten Tales”, where we delve into the fascinating, yet lesser-known stories of England’s monarchs. Today, we will explore the intriguing and often overshadowed aspects of Queen Anne’s life, beyond her political reign. Queen Anne is primarily remembered for her political legacy, including the unification of England and Scotland into […]

  • King John and the Magna Carta: A Tale of Irony

    King John and the Magna Carta: A Tale of Irony

    Welcome back to “The Forgotten Tales” series, where we uncover the lesser-known stories from the corridors of England’s royal history. Today, we’ll delve into a tale soaked in irony—the story of King John, often viewed as England’s worst king, and the Magna Carta, a cornerstone of constitutional law. King John’s reign is one shrouded in […]

  • The Lost Jewels of Edward III: Unravelling a 14th Century Mystery

    The Lost Jewels of Edward III: Unravelling a 14th Century Mystery

    In the annals of England’s history, King Edward III holds a prominent place, primarily remembered for his military successes and for restoring royal authority after the disastrous reign of his father, Edward II. However, there is an aspect of Edward III’s life that often gets overlooked – a tale shrouded in mystery and intrigue – […]